Tombstones and Lemonade

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So far this has been a busy, but fun, summer around here. Recently my sister and I hopped in the car and started driving. Our goal was to check out some of the farms west of I-94 and take some pictures. However, we became distracted. We are both into the gothic and macabre (a product of growing up on a steady diet of scary movies and books thanks to older cousins), so of course when we passed an old cemetery we stopped there. It is always fun to see old tombstones and wonder about the lives the people led.






After we got home I decided that some strawberry lemonade was in order.

Strawberry Lemonade
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Juice from 4-6 lemons
6 Strawberries
4-6 cups cold water

Mix 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar in small saucepan. Smash up the strawberries with a fork and add to the saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves completely. Let cool completely.

Mix the strawberry simple syrup with the juice from 4-6 lemons and stir well. Strain mixture into a pitcher. Add 4 cups cold. At this point I like to taste it to see how sweet it is, and ass more water to taste. I don't like it too sweet so I usually end up adding about two more cups of water.



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