Fall at Hawthorn Hollow

Friday, October 10, 2014

On of my favorite places is a local nature sanctuary and arboretum called Hawthorn Hollow. An old co-worker told me about it about four years ago and I was so surprised that I had driven past the place as many times as I have without even knowing it was there! I am always amazed at how much cool stuff there is locally that I don't even know about. Sometimes being a tourist in your own state, and even your own city, is just as amazing as a trip somewhere farther away.

Today I was playing taxi for my sister since her car is in the shop, and while she was in a "business meeting" (aka she is a marketing major so her school projects are basically free work for local businesses) I decided to skip just sitting in the car with a book and instead use the time to check out the fall foliage. With the exception of a school trip on my way out, I had the place to myself. While I was walking it was very peaceful, but when down to work on my current crochet project, I was amused by how loud all the the squirrels and chipmunks were after they got used to my presence.


Hawthorn Hollow closes December 24th to March 1, but I am hoping for a few more fall walks...and a couple of good snows to try my hand at snow shoeing this year. Luckily Hawthorn Hollow is also located right across the road from Pets, aka Petrifying Springs, a great county park. They are open year round and have even more hiking trails.

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