
Sunday, December 11, 2016









Well..... 2016 is almost over and I haven't posted since January. In my last post I said I wasn't sure if I was sad to see 2015 go or not. I can say for sure this year: I can't wait until 2016 is over and gone! I know December 31st and January 1st aren't really that different (except for one day you may have a hangover, the other you may not), but in my mind the new year is just that: NEW! And full of promise of good things to come as long as you work hard and open yourself up to them. 2016 was a year of change, and a year of good and bad. But I don't want to dwell on that! It is still early(ish) December and the joy of Christmas is still ahead!

Yesterday began the first real snowstorm of the year. We had one before but it was the slushy type that melted as soon as you stepped on it and was gone by the next morning. But today? SNOW! I woke up at 3:37 am and fully intended to go back to bed....but I could only lay there and think of all the things I wanted to do today! Now 3:37am might seem early to some, but I wake up at 3am a lot for work so even though I wanted to sleep until at least still wasn't super early for me. I am more of a morning person anyway. Mornings are kind of like the new year for me in a way; no matter if you are awake early or late, it is going to be dark, but the morning still has the promise of a good day ahead of it...As I sit here typing I can hear my neighbor pulling out his snowmobile for the first time this year. Another good thing about my morning habits is that I am always awake before the rest of the world it seems. Nothing but me, nature, and the quiet.

I waited until I thought it would be light enough for some decent pictures before I bundled up and went outside. It was lovely. Maybe I will head out later too. It has been snowing slowly all day; no blizzard here, but a soft, consistent snow.

Welcome 2016

Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 was a year of cheers and tears. After thinking about it all day yesterday and today....I am not sure if I am glad or sad to see it go. So I am settling on not thinking about last year too much and instead focusing on what I hope to accomplish this year instead!

I have been dreadfully sick this past week (and had to use two cherished days of PTO to lay like a lump in bed) and chose to pass on offers from friends and family for New Year's Eve plans and instead went to bed embarrassingly early, slept for about 11 hours, and then abused the hell out of cough medication and nasal spray to get myself to a functioning enough state for a First Day Hike in the Kettle Moraine State Forest.







I love being outside. I feel like nothing is better for the soul (or your mental health for that matter) than being outside. I felt better almost immediately! Granted now that I am writing this the cold medication has all worn off and I am back to where I was last night when I was reduced to sharing a rotisserie chicken with my cat while sitting on my couch and feeling sorry for myself while everyone else was out having fun....but that was cold-induced so the end is in sight for that bit of misery at least. Overall I can't think of a better way to start the year!

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