I am 25 years old. I graduated in 2009 from the
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee with a BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Medical Technology. Technically, it was what I went to school for. That, though, is only because all my interests didn't seem like they had well paying jobs waiting for me at the end. While I am glad that I took the path I did (I like quite comfortably and can fully support myself), it never really was what I liked or ever dreamed about doing.
Now, however, I am thinking about going back to school. This time I am looking at
MIAD, the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. It is very intimidating, though. Not only because they are pretty selective, but also because while I have a huge interest and passion about art, I feel that I am not very good at it. Of course my own doubts are not going to stop me. The only things that are going to stop me from trying are possibly the money issue (I have lots of loans from my first go-round with school) or time, since I am not in a position to be able to scale back my hours at work (see previously mentioned school loan!)
So I am going to spend this spring working on my portfolio and taking to some school advisers about my options. Hopefully that will mean lots of reasons to be artsy and I will have more stuff to share here!
In terms of sewing news, I have decided to go with Very Easy Vogue V8495; one of the patterns I mentioned in my last post. It looked pretty easy! I only have one more pattern piece to cut out, and then I get to start cutting fabric. Hopefully I will be awake enough tonight when I get home from work to work on it a little.
I also have a confession to make. I am obsessed with underwear. Bras, panties, lingerie, I love it all. Perhaps it is because it makes me feel feminine and sexy. Who knows. All I know is that as soon as I am done with that shirt, any extra fabic is going to McCall's 6128 (view E, the black and white one):

I bought some stretch lace the is frilly for a more girly look, and I also bought a stencil and some paint by
Simply Screen to try out as well. If that goes well there will be no end to my underwear making!
My head is so full of ideas. Too bad there always seems to be too little time and money to get them all out into the world!